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Social media. Popular topics. See all topics. Join our tribe. Subscribe to Dr. Bob Murray’s. Today’s Research. , a free weekly roundup of the latest research in a wide range of scientific disciplines.…

What the researchers say: “Social media is here to stay, so clarifying how people use social media and raising awareness of these findings are crucial first steps toward ultimately helping people understand how they can avoid the negative aspects of social…

Turn to real-life support, not social media. May 9, 2021. Social media may make it easier for people to engage online, but it does not provide a lot of the benefits of real-life human interactions, according to a new study.…

In the use of the social media under study, the team found that there are five flow dimensions involved: Focused Attention (immersion while using social media). Enjoyment (fun experienced while using social media).…

Social media use increases depression and loneliness.…

This means that social media users engage in ‘social grooming’ – behavior aimed at maintaining social structures and relationships.”.…

Doomscrolling is where people spend a lot of time scrolling through traumatic news on social media such as shootings, terrorism and conspiracies, often to the point where it becomes addictive.…

Social media platforms can contribute to dehumanizing people. June 28, 2020. A recent analysis of discourse on Facebook highlights how. social media and an individual’s sense of identity can be used to dehumanize entire groups of people.…

And often deadline-driven journalists lack the tools to tell the difference, especially when the images come through from social media. A manipulated image shared widely on social media during the 2019-2020 Australian bushfires.…

Until recently it has been a challenge to make convincing fake social media profiles at scale because images could be traced back to their source, and the text often didn't sound human-like.…