Today's Research
Explore leadership, strategy, culture, business and social trends, and executive health.

Our course LEADING AND MANAGING PEOPLE with the College of Law
Recommencing in 2025, this subject is a road map to understanding the complexities and motivations of individuals and teams, and how to lead them to success.
Managing COVID Anxiety
Everyone in today’s uprooted world needs to find areas of their lives in which they can take charge and which will give them a sense of empowerment and enhance their sense of safety. Even for those who seem most secure, taking functional (i.e. not manipulative) control of your relationships is imperative.
Are smartphones making us dumb?
In this episode of The Wellness Daily Show, clinical psychologists Dr Bob Murray and Dr Alicia Fortinberry discuss how our modern obsession with technology is changing the way our brains work.
The wisdom of old lawyers
Experience is the most valuable asset law firms own, and that shouldn’t be forgotten, argues Dr Bob Murray
How to secure clients' loyalty
Being curious and finding commonality with clients and colleagues are key to a committed relationship built around certainty, autonomy, trust and status, says Dr Alicia Fortinberry
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