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Burnout. Popular topics. See all topics. Join our tribe. Subscribe to Dr. Bob Murray’s. Today’s Research. , a free weekly roundup of the latest research in a wide range of scientific disciplines.

Manager burnout—an increasing problem | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Manager burnout—an increasing problem. There are perks to becoming a manager: higher pay, career mobility, and more authority and influence when it comes to making decisions. But there are also downsides: having too much work and not enough time to do it.

How to be resilient and mitigate burnout | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

How to be resilient and mitigate burnout. July 25, 2021. Mental health issues such as burnout and psychological distress are matters for concern among young adults—a recent.

Women suffer more mistreatment, burnout, suicidal thoughts | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Women suffer more mistreatment, burnout, suicidal thoughts. November 10, 2019. After all that has been written regarding #MeToo and the harassment of women, this study of women surgical residents might seem a tad redundant. But I disagree.

Married men less prone to workplace burnout | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Married men less prone to workplace burnout. June 11, 2023. Workplace burnout is widespread and has a detrimental effect on employee performance, wellbeing, and the overall productivity of an organization.

Is burnout just a form of depression? | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Is burnout just a form of depression? May 10, 2020. An important study of medical interns across 68 institutions found that personal and workplace factors predicting burnout largely overlapped with factors that contribute to depressive symptoms.

Robots in workplace contribute to burnout, job insecurity | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Robots in workplace contribute to burnout, job insecurity. October 16, 2022.

Many high achievers feel low sense of personal achievement | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

The researchers surveyed 385 first- through fourth-year medical students to assess their levels of burnout. Study authors say burnout has three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low sense of personal achievement.

Toxic workplaces increase risk of depression by 300% | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

High levels of burnout and workplace bullying are also linked to organizations’ failure to support workers’ mental health.

Praising essential workers is not just a good thing, it's critical to their recovery from burnout | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Praising essential workers is not just a good thing, it's critical to their recovery from burnout. May 1, 2022. Remember all those Twitter and Instagram posts thanking front-line workers after the COVID pandemic hit?